Friends, Dinner Parties, Pastry Making and Cake

Over the weekend I managed to walk 12 miles, learned make macaroons (french ones, not the coconut gobs of yore), procured a breakfast burrito and accompanying beverage, and watched some friends voluntarily throw their faces in freshly-iced cake.

Following a dinner party for 10 (I’m pleased to say I was a guest and not the host!), our hostess, whom by day is a professional, had us pick up piping bags and go to town on some mini cakes she’d put together beforehand. Above, you’re seeing the result.

I’m proud, admittedly–I only once before have really used piping bags, and that was when I was about 7 years old and took a weekend long cake decorating class (Thanks Mom, that was a good one, it stuck with me), in which I was the youngest student by at least 10 years. I guess it was a good investment, but there were some much more creative designs as well that I hope to share in another post when the photos make their way over to me.


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