French Macaron Recipe is now here.
Please welcome the newest addition to my kitchen family, the marvelous pistachio kitchenaid stand mixer!!
Let me summarize how such a grand belonging came to be in my possession: there was a pair of friends, they conspired to do what lady friends do on evenings that their manfriends are scarce; the evening may or may not have involved a lot of wine, dessert at a 5 star restaurant and coffee with an Algerian, but nonetheless at the start of the evening one asked the other to “put away and lift something heavy in my kitchen” which turned out to be a shockingly good early birthday present to yours truly from said friend.
“BUT CAROLINE! HOW CAN I HAVE SUCH FRIENDS THAT BESTOW UPON ME HEAVENLY MIXERS??” I must tell you only that you should be equally kind and awesome and such things may follow. Thank you so much L, I’ll be thinking about you for years to come as I make tasty treats and watch my waistline expand.
My my, what is that, you say? That’s a matcha buttercream stuffed red velvet macaron.
And, the first batch I made, which cracked, raised funny and flat–and I realized, before cooking the batch above the day after, that it was because they’d been placed on my pizza stone. So, the red velvet-matcha buttercream macarons went on the top rack instead.
Physically challeneged vanilla buttercream black sesame macarons–they suffered the wrath of my pizza stone which made them lack feet and crack in the center–a real mystery for your typical macaron trouble-shooting where lack of feet indicates too cool an oven and cracking indicates too hot!
Macaron & buttercream recipe is here.
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