Category: appetizers

  • Bubbly Fried Squash Blossoms

    Bubbly Fried Squash Blossoms

    Bubbly Fried Squash Blossoms

    Piled Bubbly Fried Squash Blossoms

    Every year about this time I find myself craving squash blossoms–it’s a habit I developed in 2006 when Marcella Ansaldo at Apicius taught me how to make them–that such a thing existed. It’s terribly disappointing to me that they didn’t exist in my life earlier. My parents grew squash each summer growing up in Missouri–what a missed opportunity!

    These are very simple–the key to making them fantastic amounts to three things. 1) Thin batter 2) Salt and 3) hot oil.

    Fried Squash Blossoms Recipe

    Leffe beer, or other beer or champagne
    12-20 squash blossoms*
    White flour, as fine as can be
    Safflower or other frying oil

    Wash the squash blossoms in a lot of water, gently rinsing the insides if possible. Spin dry or allow to dry upside down for an hour or two. If they are wet, they will spit when fried and hurt you! For especially large blossoms, you may want to check for any worms or creatures inside near the stem.

    Begin heating your oil to an appropriate frying heat (as hot as you can stand the spitting, basically–and trust, this takes some experience to figure out, just go for it and in time you’ll be a pro on your stove) in a manageable sized pan. I find a smaller pan (a 9″ cast iron, in my case) works better when you don’t *have* to crank out a huge volume–better control.

    For about 15 squash blossoms, put 3-4 heaping tablespoons of flour into a smallish mixing bowl. Add a generous pinch of salt. Add beer or champagne little by little, until you get a batter the consistency of cold maple syrup, or a little thicker than cream. Add more flour and a touch of salt if needed as you go.

    When the oil is hot, dip each flower in the batter and let the excess drip off before placing into the oil. It should float to the top and begin sizzling immediately. If not, raise the heat and wait a minute or two. Place onto paper towels or a drying/cooling rack. Sprinkle with additional salt immediately.

    When you bite in, they should smell of the alcohol you used (in a very pleasant way) and should be crisp on the outside, tender at the stem area. It’s one of my very favorite summer delicacies.

    * If you have difficulty finding these, check your local farmers’ market at any vendor who sells zucchini or summer squash. If they don’t have them, ask them if they can bring some the next week for you. They only keep 1-3 days at best, and they’ll need to be kept dry to prevent decay and cool, such as within a plastic ventilated container within the crisper of your refrigerator. It’s best to use them the same day they are picked.

    The platter is from the Mad Platters on Etsy.

  • Asparagus with Spring Onions, Orange Zest, and Parmesan

    Asparagus with Spring Onions, Orange Zest, and Parmesan

    Asparagus with Spring Onions, Orange Zest, and Parmesan

    Asparagus with Spring Onions, Orange Zest, and Parmesan

    A wonderful, quick appetizer served communally–the kind of thing you whip together in 5 minutes flat to hold you over for dinner a few hours later, as you wrap up the workday or settle in for the evening. Also great at brunch!

    Asparagus with Spring Onions, Orange Zest, and Parmesan Recipe

    1 lb asparagus
    1 large red spring onion or two smaller ones*, sliced fairly thin in rings
    zest of 1 orange
    parmesan, shaved
    olive oil
    salt & pepper

    Peel the bottom 2/3rds of your asparagus lightly with a vegetable peeler. This can be done a day in advance if the asparagus is then kept in plastic.

    In a skillet at medium high heat, warm about 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add the asparagus, tossing to coat. Put a lid loosely on top and reduce heat to medium, allowing to cook until color has brightened, about 2-3 minutes. Remove lid and add onions, tossing. Raise heat slightly and cook 2 more minutes, until onions are softened. Add orange zest, tossing quickly. Place on a platter and within 1 minute, add parmesan shavings. Serve warm.

    *When unavailable, you can substitute shallots, but do add to the pan a bit earlier or pre-soak the sliced shallots in water for 20-30 minutes to remove some of the abrasiveness.

  • Green Garlic Soup & Fennel Barley Salad with Roast Radishes

    Green Garlic Soup & Fennel Barley Salad with Roast Radishes

    Green Garlic Soup

    Fennel Barley Salad with Roast Radishes

    Paired with a quick asparagus appetizer, this Green Garlic Soup and Fennel-Barley Salad made a wonderful vegetarian 3-course meal. I made this for an old roommate who came to visit last night; were stuffed but happy and feeling good. Our fourth course was chocolate-covered honey cake with sliced mango.

    Green Garlic Soup Recipe
    Serves 4

    ~1lb green garlic, sliced roughly
    2 T butter or olive oil
    1/2 C dry sherry
    1 large turnip, roasted or boiled
    3-4 cups spinach
    8 cups vegetable or chicken broth
    salt & pepper

    In a soup pan, warm the oil or butter over medium high heat. Add the green garlic, cooking until nearly tender and beginning to color.  Add the sherry and cook 3-4 minutes until no brash smell remains. Add salt, and the broth, and bring to a simmer. Add the turnip and the spinach, cooking 1-2 minutes more. Puree in a high powered blender or by another method, being sure to go in batches if needed to avoid a mess. Adjust the seasoning, adding some sherry or wine vinegar if needed. Serve with delicious croutons and garlic chives on top.


    Fennel Barley Salad Recipe (with roast radishes and flageolet beans)
    Serves 3

    1.5 C cooked pearled barley
    1/2 head fennel, sliced very thinly
    1 C flageolet beans, cooked, or other salad bean
    9-12 stem on mix of easter egg radishes, french radishes, or petite turnips, roasted whole and sliced in half
    3-4 C mixed tender salad greens
    3-4 T Fennel Citrus Dijon Salad Dressing
    2 T olive oil

    On high heat, fry the cooked barley in olive oil until grains separate easily and everything is warm. Add the fennel for 1 minute, then turn the heat off and add the radish mixture and beans to the pan. Toss well. In a large bowl, dress the salad greens generously in dressing. Add the warm barley mixture and toss. Serve!


    Fennel-Citrus Dijon Salad Dressing Recipe

    1 T dijon
    1/4 C fennel fronds
    Juice of 1/2 large orange
    Zest of 1/2 an orange
    1 T honey
    1 T olive or sunflower oil
    2 T apple cider vinegar

    Blend all ingredients very well. Stores for up to a week in the refrigerator.

  • Roasted Spring Root Vegetables

    Roasted Spring Root Vegetables

    Roasted Spring Root Vegetables: Baby Carrots, Turnips, Easter Egg Radishes, Golden Beets, Rutabaga

    Roasted Spring Root Vegetables: Baby Carrots, Turnips, Easter Egg Radishes, Golden Beets, Rutabaga

    A beautiful and simple lunch or light dinner, these roasted spring root vegetables are pleasing to the eye and are the perfect summary of the spring bounty that is now my CSA/farm shipment.

    Simply find the best spring veggies you can, cut them in fairly even sizes, toss them in olive oil, salt, and pepper (or add some herbs de provence if you like), and roast them 25-40 minutes at 400 degrees on some foil (for easy clean up). Save them cold to toss into salads for the coming days or feast on them then; serve them as an appetizer with friends over on a large platter and cocktail forks. It’s a pleaser.

    Use things like: Baby Carrots, Turnips, Easter Egg Radishes, Golden Beets, Chiogga Beets, Rutabaga, Celery Root

    Leave the stems on (they are edible! and save those radish & turnip greens for a sautee, a quiche, or a pesto) but trim off any broken or decrepit parts of the stem and use a vegetable sponge to scrub the dirt from the tops and sides. Don’t peel the carrots, just scrub the dirt off. You can also roast everything whole and slice them in half afterwards for brighter centers, but you may need to separate a few trays by size of the objects to ensure even cooking.

  • Truffled Romanesco with Yogurt Sauce & Pomegranate

    Truffled Romanesco with Yogurt Sauce & Pomegranate

    Truffled Romanesco with Yogurt and Pomegranate

    About six months ago I switched to a new CSA/Farm Shipment service–Eatwell Farms. I’ve been fantastically happy with them, and lately I’ve given a few of their suggested recipes a try. Most CSA services give recipes with their products, which I’d assume is mostly to help those who have never eaten kohlrabi, or don’t know what to do with an eggplant. That said, the recipes from Eatwell have been especially tasty ideas and have been great at combining multiple things from the shipment into one dish.

    This romesco recipe is adapted from one of their more recent blog entries.

    Truffled Romanesco with Yogurt Sauce & Pomegranate Recipe

    1 head romanesco, green cauliflower, or cauliflower, chopped smartly and evenly
    1/2 tsp ground cumin
    1 tsp caraway seeds, lightly crushed
    1 tsp Balti seasoning or a bit of garam masala; if you can’t get either, use more cumin and maybe a bit of paprika
    1/2-1tsp kosher salt
    1/2 C whole milk yogurt (I used the thin, Russian style Pavel’s)
    2-3 tsp Turkish Seasoning or a mixture of oregano, garlic powder, black pepper, paprika, sumac and a pinch of cayenne
    1/2 a pomegranate’s seeds (about 1/3rd cup)
    2 T white truffle butter or 1 tsp truffle oil
    olive oil

    Heat a bit of olive oil in a large skillet to medium high. Add the romanesco or cauliflower and the salt. Cook until some brown bits occur and the cauliflower is mostly soft. Add the cumin, balti, and caraway seeds and toss. Add the truffle butter and turn off the heat, stirring to melt.

    Transfer to an oven-safe serving dish and either keep warm for up to 1 hour or place immediately under the broiler for 1 minute to carmelize the top and make it crispy. Mix the Turkish seasoning with the yogurt and add salt to taste. Upon serving, pour the yogurt over the dish and add pomegranate seeds on top.

    I like to share this one as an appetizer over wine and a block of good sheep or goat’s cheese.
    [schema type=”recipe” name=”Truffled Romanesco with Yogurt Sauce & Pomegranate” author=”Caroline Cadwell” image=”” description=”A fresh, easy, and impressive way to use romanesco or cauliflower, served family style, with a mediterranean edge.” ingrt_1=”1 head romanesco or other variety of cauliflower, chopped in nice size slices” ingrt_2=”1/2 tsp ground cumin” ingrt_3=”1 tsp caraway seeds, lightly crushed” ingrt_4=”1 tsp balti seasoning or garam masal” ingrt_5=”1/2-1tsp kosher salt” ingrt_6=”1/2 C whole milk yogurt” ingrt_7=”2-3 tsp Turkish seasoning” ingrt_8=”1/2 a pomegranate’s seeds (about 1/3 C)” ingrt_9=”2 T white truffle butter or 1 tsp truffle oil” ingrt_10=”olive oil” instructions=”Heat a bit of olive oil in a large skillet to medium high. Add the romanesco or cauliflower and the salt. Cook until some brown bits occur and the cauliflower is mostly soft. Add the cumin, balti, and caraway seeds and toss. Add the truffle butter and turn off the heat, stirring to melt.

    Transfer to an oven-safe serving dish and either keep warm for up to 1 hour or place immediately under the broiler for 1 minute to carmelize the top and make it crispy. Mix the Turkish seasoning with the yogurt and add salt to taste. Upon serving, pour the yogurt over the dish and add pomegranate seeds on top.” ]

  • Zucchini & Purslane Soup

    Zucchini & Purslane Soup

    Zucchini and Purslane Soup

    Quick, healthy, and delicious zucchini soup recipe. Works best with a high powered blender, but a stick blender or regular one will work too, with a little finesse. Can be served chilled as well.

    Zucchini & Purslane Soup Recipe
    Adapted from Food & Wine
    Serves 2

    1.5 lb of zucchini or mixed summer squash, washed, trimmed, and sliced evenly*
    1/2 medium or large yellow onion, diced roughly
    3 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
    1.5 cups water
    1/2 cup vegetable stock
    1 bay leaf
    1 tsp dried thyme or 1 tbsp fresh thyme
    1 cup purslane (or microgreens, which can be tossed with a little lemon or orange zest as well)
    Salt to taste

    In a 3 quart pan or larger, warm your vegetable stock over medium heat. Add onions, cooking until almost transparent. Add garlic, thyme, bay leaf, and zucchini, cover and cook about 5 minutes at medium heat, stirring occasionally, until softened but still firm. Add the water and cover. Cook about 10 minutes, until soft.

    Using your preferred blending method, puree the soup until smooth. Taste and season with salt, or salt at the table. To serve, do so immediately warm, reheat later with a little more vegetable broth, or add several ice cubes to the fresh puree to bring the temperature down, then store in the fridge up to two days and serve chilled. Garnish with generous purslane and raw zucchini strips.

    *Make some thin strips for garnish if you like, before chopping it all up

  • Thai Cucumber Salad and Generous Friends

    Thai Cucumber Salad and Generous Friends

    thai cucumber salad
    It’s probably been five weeks since I posted here. I’ve been cooking plenty, but it’s been of the utilitarian type–meals my friends would (and sometimes are) still delighted to join in on, but that I’ve either posted before, or that I didn’t plate well, or that we were in a hurry to eat. That’s the true life behind a food blog–very little of what is produced makes it on here.

    I’ve made Tutto Mare (for my man’s parents while they visited for three weeks in my house–another reason I’ve been absent), eggplant parmasean (without frying the eggplant but with a stick of butter in the sauce), flank steak with chimichurri sauce (for which I already owe you a recipe–noted!), cookies, Chinese desserts involving potatoes and ginger, pesto, and a million other things. Between the house guests and my day job and my latest quest to drink only disgusting green purees of things, there’s not much time to write or much worth writing about.

    Now about generous friends. Usually when I post to Red Blossom Tea I’m talking about P. This time I’m talking about his sister Alice–I owe her big time. Every time I drop into the shop she seems to have some treat to share with me, we talk cheese, we talk travel, we talk food and wine. I took the visiting pseudo-in-laws to the shop and came home with a gigantic bag of washed, ready to use, beautiful mature arugula which I’ve put to several uses over the last two weeks–yes, it’s lasted two weeks and still looks gorgeous!

    I’ve made arugula pesto, added it to one of my disgusting green smoothies, mixed it into bruschetta, blanched it and served it with eggs poached in tomato sauce, and even used it in this thai cucumber salad recipe. Thanks Alice!

    mature arugula grown in bay area garden

    raw green smoothie

    This is why I haven’t been posting. While writing this enry, I drank this green smoothie of apples, carrots, spinach and a dash of whole lemon and tried really hard to pretend it was baked french toast with mascarpone cream.

    Thai Cucumber Salad
    Serves 4-6 with possible leftovers as a side

    2 medium cucumbers, preferably unwaxed persians
    1/4 red onion
    1 large watermelon radish or other radish totaling the size of a small peach
    1/2 C arugula, chopped
    2 tsp sesame seeds, toasted
    1/4 C seasoned rice vinegar
    1 T sugar
    1 tsp salt

    Mix the vinegar, sugar, and salt and microwave for 30 seconds, stir to combine. Set aside.

    Prepare your cucumber- if waxed/thick skinned, trim the ends, and peel most of the skin off leaving bright green behind, cut in half and remove the seeds with a spoon from each side. If using edible peel, simply remove ends and cut in half, removing seeds.  Using a mandolin or a very patient hand, slice into 1/8th inch thick slices. Place in a serving bowl. Next, slice 1/8th or thinner slices of red onion using the mandolin. Peel off any tough outer layers before doing so. Add to cucumber bowl. Peel the watermelon radish (no need to peel other types), cut in half, and slice thinly with the mandolin.

    Toss everything with the vinegar mixture, add sesame seeds and arugula at the end. Serve immediately or refrigerate up to two weeks, so long as everything is coated in vinegar. Makes a quick refrigerator pickle that is tasty right away or later on. You can also store in jars with more vinegar up to a couple months if refrigerated.

  • Crostini with Green Garlic & Fava Bean Chevre Spread, Delicious Home-made Sparkling Limeade

    Crostini with Green Garlic & Fava Bean Chevre Spread, Delicious Home-made Sparkling Limeade

    crostini with green garlic, fava bean and chevre spread

    crostini with green garlic, fava bean and chevre spread

    home made sparkling limeade

    Green Garlic and Fava Bean Goat Cheese Spread Recipe
    makes about 2 cups

    1.5-2 C shelled and blanched fava beans
    1 head green garlic, peeled of any extra tough leaves, stems chopped
    2 oz chevre/fresh goat cheese
    1/4-1/2 C olive oil
    1 T tasty light-colored vinegar of your choice
    zest and juice of 1 lemon
    salt & pepper to taste

    Combine all ingredients in a food process or or blender. Add oil as needed to blend smoothly. Delicious as a sandwich spread as well.

    Home-made Sparkling Limeade Recipe
    Method using a Vita-Mix or other high powered blender
    Makes about two large drinks

    2 whole limes, peeled and chopped in quarters
    1 T honey or agave nectar
    1/2 C water
    sparkling water

    Combine all but sparkling water in blender. Puree until very smooth. Can reserve up to two days in refrigerator. Add sparkling water to serve, as strong or mild as you like. Consider adding fresh strawberries and ice for a strawberry-lime sparkling smoothie, or adding iced tea for a home-made lime arnold palmer.

  • Biggest Food Secret EVER: Gourmet Popcorn At Home

    Biggest Food Secret EVER: Gourmet Popcorn At Home

    [donotprint]fire roasted pepper popcorn

    Turns out, I’ve been fooled my entire life. You can pop corn kernels in a paper bag in your microwave. Like normal microwave popcorn. For the same amount of time. Without all the hydrogenated shelf stable oil crap. And you can totally reuse the bag (like, from bringing two pints of ice cream home from the corner store and then several times as a popcorn bag)!

    I don’t know if anyone else has been torn about giving in to this trend in restaurants lately– $6 or more a pop for specialty popcorns like maple-bacon, chipotle caramel, truffle butter, and more variations with bacon. I imagine ones with curry and indian spices, meta-gourmet (you know, we’re so gourmet that we serve sweet breads even though they are totally ghetto? the gentrification of food?) powdered cheeses and whatnot have been done too. I have to admit, I’ve given in to it. Woe was me spending $8 on a small bowl of popcorn and a $10 cocktail.

    So I’ve been making healthier things lately (have you noticed?), and so I looked into air-popped popcorn. I was convinced without a $30 contraption I’d be forced to eat fake butter flavor and pay $4/a packet for Newman’s Own popcorn (or Orville, let’s be real).

    Air popper? Totally obsolete and never necessary in the first place. And yet, my family had one in the early 90’s during the low-fat craze. We’re smart people; somehow that slipped past us. So, don’t feel bad, just go get that thing out of your cabinet and rejoice in the new space you have made for a paper bag to call home. Or a new Staub pan.

    fire roasted pepper popcorn

    cooking popcorn in a paper bag

    I’ve been known to hoard glass jars that can be reused. This goes from jelly jars to tomato jars to salad dressings to anchovies and spices. As you can see, it comes in quite handy. Because I live in a 100+ year old house, and mice are unavoidable if you tempt them, I swapped to all glass and steel containers about a year ago to deter them from my rather large stockpile of food (we won’t go hungry from an earthquake). I also use these jars when shopping bulk at the stores around SF, for leftovers, and for taking my food to work each week–I don’t like to reheat in plastic, so having glass makes things easier to store and then eat.

    multi color popcorn kernels
    Fire Roasted Pepper Popcorn Recipe
    Makes 4-5 Cups
    1/4 C popcorn kernels (multi colored, white, or yellow-your choice)*
    1 Tbsp butter (plugra if you have it around), melted and warm
    1/2 tsp sea salt
    1 tsp paprika
    1/2 tsp chili powder
    1 paper bag (bigger than lunch size but not grocery size–two bottles of wine size)

    Add the popcorn kernels to the paper bag and fold the top of the bag several times to halfway. Put the bag in the micro and set it for 5 minutes. You’ll probably only need 2.5, so stay close and stop it when the pops are 1-2 seconds apart.

    Add the spices to a old spice jar with a shaker lid and mix.

    Place popped popcorn in a large bowl, and season it in two batches:  drizzle butter over the first half and add half the seasoning. Toss, add the rest of the popcorn and repeat.

    * If you are having trouble finding popcorn kernels where you live (they are normally sold in bulk) and have access to a Whole Foods Market, they usually have them in their self-serve bulk section. You can also buy them on Amazon.

  • Scallops in Fava & Pea Puree, Littleneck Clams on White Beans, Sausage & Chard, Creme Fraiche Pannacotta with Strawberries

    Scallops in Fava & Pea Puree, Littleneck Clams on White Beans, Sausage & Chard, Creme Fraiche Pannacotta with Strawberries


    creme fraiche panna cotta with strawberries (sunday suppers at lucques)

    I had occasion to cook last night– a Sunday– and was feeling pretty inspired by a very solid weekend of good eats. Friday night a feast in our back yard, Saturday a hike from our doorstep to the top of twin peaks, down into the mission for a stop at Delfina Pizzeria, an errand at Tartine (here’s a hint: it involved walnut bread, croissants and an eclair) and another at BiRite (which involved this steak) and yet another feast in our back yard.

    There is a huge collection of cookbooks in my living room. You can tell they aren’t used often because they’re behind glass, stacked with ornamental things on top that would have to be moved to use them. I woke up around 9 on Sunday and tip toed into the living room to loot a few, returned to bed and did the most serious reading I’ve probably done since college…and the result, my final paper, if you will–this menu.[/donotprint]

    Scallop in Fava & Pea Puree from Amuse Bouche (slightly altered for scale and for oil content)
    With Vouvray

    Clams with White Beans, Sausage & Chard from Amuse Bouche (altered significantly)
    With Vermentino from Sardegna

    Creme Fraiche Pannacotta with Strawberries (From Sunday Suppers at Lucques — perfect as is but would use more milk/less cream next time)
    with Moscato di Asti