container garden: vegetables in pots, part 2

The beets and rainbow chard are growing well since I planted them about a week ago. The beets seem as if they’ll do especially well.

Over the weekend I purchased the last of the plants I intend to grow in the coming months and managed to pot everything. Now it’s a learning curve of what each plant needs and monitoring for pests.

Yesterday was a bit of a food adventure, a day-trip to the east bay, a stay-cation. I took a good friend with me over the bay to Oasis Food Market–among other delights, they make their own middle eastern pastries including the filo itself. This is rare. And delicious. We met up with the owner and had lunch, and were introduced to our new favorite pesto-family item, a Turkish spread of almonds, pistachios, and red bell pepper. I managed also to score some harissa to make Smitten Kitchen’s carrot salad with feta and mint. We made our way to Cactus Jungle (bad name, great staff) where I purchased some pots and the lemon cucumber plants a friend told me I might find here.

All and all, the organic vegetable container garden now has:

– Early Girl Tomato
– Little gem lettuce
– Green lettuce
– Red lettuce
– Arugula
– Thyme
– Basil x 3
– Rainbow chard
– Red beets
– Spring onions

All of which I’m very excited about and hope not to kill. Here are some pictures to help me watch it grow (or putter out):


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